25. Freiburger Jonglierfestival || keep dropping!

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Thank you so much!

Due to clashing schedules for the Karlsruhe and the Freiburg conventions, the Karlsruhe team decided to host theirs during the 25th Freiburger Jonglierfestival, but on the same site. And so the »30,5. Pyramidalen Jonglier- und Kleinkunstfestival« was born, a two-hour convention, for the first time not in Karlsruhe.

Freiburg 2024

Due to clashing schedules for the Karlsruhe and the Freiburg conventions, the Karlsruhe team decided to host theirs during the 25th Freiburger Jonglierfestival, but on the same site. And so the »30,5. Pyramidalen Jonglier- und Kleinkunstfestival« was born, a two-hour convention, for the first time not in Karlsruhe.

If you are interested in downloading the photos in printable quality, want to have a newsletter whenever new galleries are uploaded, or just want to support me and my work, feel free to check out the support page or my Patreon.